Saturday, September 28, 2013

Home Again and the first hint for the BIG VOYAGE!

This is or "offshore" view!

The boys kicking back while we sail.
The crew of Wandering Dolphin just arrived back in the Virgin Islands after another season in Trinidad and Grenada. We sailed offshore for three days from Grenada to Virgin Gorda. If you would like to check it out on Facebook you can like our page, "Wandering Dolphin".

We are getting ready for a HUGE voyage this spring. We are not sharing the destination but rather just offering hints and folks can follow us on the blog or our SPOT as we make our way. 

If you have already been told the destination please don't let it slip in your comments!  We don't want to spoil it for everyone!

Hint number one only offers the voyage miles... It will cover over 10,000 miles in six months!!
The crew will be at sea for 70 days! (Not all at once though! There will be five legs of the voyage.)

Tune in here or like our page as we begin regular updates on Facebook.

Fair Winds!
Captain Tofer