Wednesday, May 7, 2014

May 7 Position Report

5/7/14 Wandering Dolphin POS

10 01.90 N  091 43.20  W
COG 270T
SOG 4kt

Wind: NNE 6-8kt
Temp: 89f
Pressure: 29.6
Current: not noticeable Sky: overcast
Seas: 1ft

Engine: off
Sails: main and genoa set

Hi from the Pacific Ocean!

We are all doing very well out here so far.  We turned the engine off yesterday at 4:00am and have managed to keep it off.  Our speed has dropped a bit but over the past 24 hours it still averages out to about 4.5kts.  There were a few hours yesterday where we sailed at 6-7 knots and many where we did better than 5.  There were also quite a few with 3.5-4 knots.  Emily, Benny, and myself do not stress much over the hours of 3.5 knots because we spent so many days on the Dulcinea delivery sailing at that speed.  Rebecca doesn't seem to worry to much as long as she gets her sleep.

School went ok yesterday but it is going to take a little organizing, time wise for us to make it work out here.  The problem is that I am the teacher but I am so busy with the actual running of the boat and my long watch ends at about the time school starts.  I come on watch at 4:00am and from 6:00am to 7:30am I am working on the position report and blog. School starts at 8:00am so they can get most of it done before it gets too hot.  From about 1:00pm it is so hot on the boat that no one wants to do anything at all.  I am sure we will figure out a good schedule that works for   everyone.

We were hit by a couple of squalls yesterday.  One of them dumped rain on us and gave us quite a bit of wind.  We were ready for it and had the sails reefed before it hit us so it really wasn't a big deal.  I have seen so many boats and crews get hit by something like that and it is sheer pandemonium as they rush around with the boat heeled, gunnel in the water, screaming at each other.  It is no stress at all if you just reef in time.  We caught this one on video and the wind, rain and seas were pretty impressive but WD shook it off sailing at 7-8 knots with her double reefed main and deep reefed jib.  It lasted about 40 minutes and we shook out the reef and went back to ghosting along at 4 knots.  We also managed to catch a couple of gallons of rainwater with our cockpit rain catcher.

In the evening we noticed a clump of three boats on our AIS passing by heading south.  It turned out that these were three of the Clipper 70 race boats.  Unfortunately we never had a chance to see them.  They were about 10 miles away.  We did see their lights and listen in on a radio transmission between two of them.

Iridium Messages:
Shannon:  Thanks for the encouragement! We loved North Carolina, Oriental remains our all time favorite place!  Aline:  request from the girls here for more Hollywood gossip.  You started it with Tim McGraw and Mark Walberg... They had a whole, " Who is hottest?" Conversation. LOL
Jim V.:  I'd gladly send you the rain, and Benny and Kaleb are the biggest fans of your funny riddles.
Cave:  If you get a chance send me any real news that's happening.  Thanks!
The Twins in Vancouver, WA:  Kaleb and Benny said, "We don't know for sure but it Probly has to do with Pooh!"

What we are eating: Yesterday we had,
Breakfast: Rice with sugar, cinnamon and milk
Lunch: PBJ and fruit
Snack: dried mango and tootsie pops
Supper: rolled chicken tacos in corn tortillas with refried beans, cheese and sour cream.

Thanks For Sailing With Us!
Captain Tofer, Becca, EmilyAnne, Kanyon, Kaleb, and Benny

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